Pop Up Class - Embodied Sensuality meets Zumba / Open Level - motion*s

Pop Up Class - Embodied Sensuality meets Zumba / Open Level

  • Thursday, 18. April 202415:45 – 17:15
About the pop Up Class
This pop-up class consists of two pillars: dance and theory:
  • The dance is the main part and takes the form of several simple choreographies with elements from Salsa, Reggeaton, Merengue, Bachata, Dancehall, Afro and Jazzfunk, which can be danced without explanation. The focus is less on perfect execution and more on consciously enjoying sensual movements within the resulting safe space. 
  • In the theoretical part, which precedes the dance part, I discuss the phenomenon of sensuality and explain its relevance in our Western society by explaining how it can be both an indicator and an antidote for so many dysfunctional dynamics on an individual and collective level. Topics such as the body-mind problem, the Madonna-whore complex, feminism and sexual confidence, but also the importance of pleasure and enjoyment for a better world will be addressed. 
  • With these reflections, I would like to invite you to become more aware of the barriers that may stand in the way of the completely free experience and expression of our sensuality and thus gradually overcome them in order to ultimately live more authentically and enjoyably, both as a dancer and as a human being.

About Olivia Gaia Vogée

I have been passionate about dance since I was a child and have taken lessons in various styles from Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Afro, Dancehall and Latin American styles such as Salsa, Bachata and Tango. After my bachelor’s degree in psychology, I fulfilled my dream of a “dance trip” through various cities in North and South America, where I learned local dances. 
After my return, I attended the first year of professional dance training at the Akademie für Tanz Freiburg (aka DanceEmotion). At the same time, I trained as a sexual counselor and taught Zumba in various contexts, which sharpened my focus on the importance of sensuality in dance for women. I later investigated this in my master’s thesis in clinical psychology, which forms the theoretical foundation of my work. In addition, I am currently training to become a Somatic Educator for Women® in which the subjective bodily experience of female socialized / read people is explored from a socio-political, psychological and above all body therapeutic perspective – a teaching that strongly influences my work. 
In my eyes, movement is not only an artistic expression, but also a means to strengthen the connection between body and mind and to connect intimately with myself, others and the world around me. Sensuality plays a central role in this.

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