Wirbersäule- Open level with Bettina Blanckmeister - motion*s


By Bettina Blanckmeister
Thursday 10:00 – 11:00
*****Open Level

The spine should be strong AND flexible at the same time. It is the central, all-supporting architecture for our body. If you unbalance it through overload, injury, wear and tear or one-sided movement patterns in your everyday life, it is often not just your back that complains, but your whole body responds with pain, tension and restricted movement, even your breathing is negatively affected.
The secret of a stable, resilient and flexible spine lies in its own mobility. That’s why we only train the directions of movement of the spine in its physiological, natural form during the course. We start with exercises for posture and body awareness, and there are smooth transitions between mobilization and fascia work and exercises in functional forms of movement to strengthen the deep supporting and postural muscles. Well-being, relaxation and reflection are the most important results of our joint course work.




Please register for this class in our class calendar. Here you can book specific dates and you can also pay online. If you are a contract member of motion*s the booking is free of charge for you. Be at the studio about 15 minutes prior to the start time and sign in for the class at the front desk. More questions you might have you'll find answers to in our FAQ.

Bettina Blanckmeister
Pilates, Rehabilitation sports, Pelvic floor exercise
Regular Teacher
Pelvic floor exercise Pilates Rehabilitation sports